Thursday, May 24, 2012

Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon

Crossing the finish line at Historic Half Marathon, Fredericksburg, VA 2012

On Sunday May 20, 2012 I ran my first half marathon.  And I ran it with 6000 other people. 

It was sunny and the temperature was perfect.  The first eight miles went by easy-peasy and then the fatigue (aka "the beast") set in.  Afterwards, my health-nut gym friends would ask me, "How did you push through it?"  I just did.  I cannot explain it.  I was unhealthy for so long and I was finally doing things right and I just knew I could do it.  I guess I just "embraced the beast".  If you've read Born To Run by Christopher McDougall (if you haven't, go get it today), you remember Ann Trason and Scott Jurek talk about "the beast" and how you have to welcome it and embrace it, to overcome it.  Its completely true.  I just said "hi fatigue, kiss my ass".  I did.  I was going to finish this race.

This course had many many many hills and most of them we were running UP, not DOWN.  It was challenging to say the least, but I tackled each hill small, large and extra large and accomplished it.  I finished all 13.1 miles and beat my goal and that is more than I could have asked for.

I would only do two things differently.  First, I would train more.  I don't think I personally, could not have over trained for this race.  Secondly, I would have paid better attention to nutrition, mainly fueling up correctly pre- and post- race.   I was severely dehydrated when I crossed the finish line (although you can't tell by my picture*).  My lower calves were cramped up as well as my fascia, which had my toes curling under as early as mile 11.  But I busted right through it, and would totally do it again. 

Most importantly, I crossed a half marathon off my bucket list/new years resolutions.  My full marathon is next and will be in March 2013.  I am on my way, folks!

Happy Running!


* By God I was going to get a good picture out of this race from MarathonFoto so I HAD to put my game-face on every time I saw one of their photogs!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Why I Love My Gays...

The answer is really very simple.  Because they are who they are.  And I don't mean because they are gay.  I love them for different reasons, because they are all very different people who happen to be gay or lesbian...

I met CA in middle school.  She was the very first friend I made after I moved to a new town.  We were inseparable.  We tried out for cheer leading together (she made it, I didn't) and never stopped being friends even though I fell in with the "geek crowd" while she was wildly popular.  To this day we support each other within prayer groups, text message conversations, and have shared a few tragedies.  She is witty, and beautiful and has every item on the list to be voted "most popular" even 15 years out of high school!

I met LHJ twenty years ago.  She is the type of person who always has a smile plastered on her face.  You won't find it surprising, she was a cheerleader.  She is always happy and positive and the best part is, her bright and sunny disposition is always so infectious.  You can not spend more than five minutes with her without feeling like you had been wrapped up tight in happiness and light.  She is twenty years older now, but still has that wonderfully optimistic attitude that makes anyone around her feel lucky to know her.

I met CCJ eight years ago through my wedding planning.  He is so creative and talented.  He is the sweetest Southern Gentleman I have ever met.  He has the manners of an old Christian Grandma and a heart bigger than our country.  He genuinely loves people and being around people.  He is extremely supportive of his close friends and family and has a sense of humor that could put Tracy Morgan to shame.  I am honored to know him because he is loving and respectful and just as dignified as Jackie O'Nassis.

I met KS at a job several years ago.  And we hit it off immediately.  We fought like siblings and were just as close some days.  He was amazing to be around.  He had a way of making you feel like the only person in the room because he listened intently and respected everything you were saying.  He was an old southern boy with impeccable morals.  And he wasn't afraid to tell his friends when they were doing something completely stupid.  He had integrity.

No, I don't love these people because they are gay/lesbian.  I love them because they are people.  I love them because they are my friends.  I love them.  And they love me and I am lucky as hell to have friends like these.  I love them because they are People.  People who hurt, laugh, smile, fail. succeed, and LOVE.  They love their partners.  They love their children.  And in America, the land of the free, they cannot legally get married in their home state.  What a shame.  I am lucky to know all of these people; but I ashamed most days because while I am sitting here sharing a glass of wine with my husband, who I can make medical decisions for, enjoy benefits with and legally co-parent a child, my friends cannot.  What a shame.

Did you know interracial marriage was illegal as late as the 1960's?  How completely stupid does that seem now??

Get with it people.

The Gay/Lesbian Loving Runner/Writer/Mommy/Wife

P.S. Tim, Rob, Bryan, Kevin, Kerri, and all my other friends, I didnt leave you out!  I just need to go to bed and thought I got my point across just fine!